Nuclear War Is Coming : November. 2017

Welcome to the Nuclear ASIA* : Ending Post, Nov 4.
About Fear : Keep the US forces in Korea : Nov 1.
Big deal is opened with North Korea not China : Oct 26.
Is nuclear war inevitable? : Sep 29.

: Sites : John Conyers : Tom Steyer

: Ending post

- North Korea has got nuclear weapons, so they don't need China, and South Korea has got the US-Korea force, so they don't need nuclear weapons. This is quite fair. If we want none nuclear North Korea, It may mean we want the China and North Korea alliance -

: North Korea

- China declared that they would not keep the duty of automatic intervention when North Korea preemptively attacked. So, North Korea cann't attack the United States because US can hit North Korea's leadership part.

- We can make mistakes in a fight because of fear. We could run away or have too much aggressiveness. We should avoid two things: the US attacks North Korea in an excited state or drive North Korea into extreme situations.

- Kim Jong Un also thinks that the existence of a prosperous and democratic South Korea so close to the border is, by itself, a major threat towards his dynasty. While Kim Jong Un has already long had the tools to destroy South Korea effectively, he also believes it is necessary to drive American forces out of the peninsula : Thae Young-Ho : North Korea Deffctor.

: Preemptive Attack

- 90 percent of Americans could die by EMP bombs : A military laboratory in England.
- Nuclear weapons and Missile development can not be considered an imminent threat : The New York Attorneys' Association.
- No one knows where it is. Preemptive attack will be failed. The only way is negotiation, US have to respect North Korea : Vladimir Putin.
- We never can allow ICBM. Preemptive attack can be used fot it. Not much time left now : US Government.

- As a veteran of the Korean war, I am ashamed that our commander-in-chief is conducting himself in a reckless manner that endangers our troops stationed in South Korea and our regional allies : John Conyers.

- The interception rate is reduced to 50% when eight ballistic missiles are fired : A military laboratory in USA.

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